Week of September 28 - October 2

Hello Parents,

It's been another great week at school!  All of the students did really well with the fire drill on Wednesday.  We hope they enjoy the long weekend coming up! 

Science & Social Studies
The students started a new unit in social studies this week.  Be sure to ask your kids about the experiment they did about gravity! 

Language Arts
Students continue to work with Mrs. DeGroot to determine individual reading levels utilizing the Fountas & Pinnell leveled reading system.  

When you look over your child's math book, please remember to have your child place the book into his/her backpack right away so that he/she has it again for school on Monday. Thank you for your involvement!

The students are learning so much about our our Catholic faith.  They are learning that our journey, our walk with Christ as our Good Shepherd, greatly impacts our daily decisions.  They are doing really well in religion class!  

Also, Fr. Brian and our staff are working out how students might be able to receive Holy Communion.  We will keep you informed.

Finally, please help your child by reminding him/her to return the prayer chart to school on Monday. 

With the necessity for so many schools around the nation needing Chromebooks and other computers, we learned that the Chromebooks ordered for our students in grades 2-4 are backordered until January.  While that is unfortunate, we are in a similar situation that many other schools find themselves in as well. 

Recently, Lea sent home all of the login information for accessing PowerSchool in a family folder.  Students in grades 2-4 have several grades recorded on PowerSchool, so you are welcome to take a look at it if you get a chance.  


Weekend Mass Times
While you likely know when the weekend mass times are, some of our new First Communicants are very excited to receive Holy Communion again and were asking when mass times are.  For your reference they are as follows:

Saturday @ 4:00 in Askeaton
Saturday @ 5:30 in Wrightstown
Sunday @ 8:00 in Greenleaf
Sunday @ 10:00 in Wrightstown

MAP Testing
Map testing will begin next week.  As with any "school night," please be sure that your child is getting enough rest and a healthy breakfast throughout the week in order to ensure that he/she is as ready for as much learning as possible. 

Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders are due September 30.  Please place all orders online.


Picture Retake Day
Picture retake day will be on Tuesday, October 27.

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt