Dress Code

St. Clare School Dress Code
Grades K-8

St. Clare Catholic School expects students in all grades to dress in a manner appropriate to our Catholic values.  Self-respect, safety, and modesty in appearance are the driving forces behind the dress code. 

A note on some specific clothing articles:

  • Athletic shorts are acceptable, but must be at least mid-thigh in length. 

  • Leggings are not allowed, unless a skirt or shorts are worn with them.

  • Sleeveless shirts must cover the neck to shoulder for girls. (No spaghetti straps, etc.) No sleeveless shirts are allowed for boys.

  • All shoes must have backs; no flip-flops, backless sandals, or clogs.

  • Hats must be removed inside the building; they may be worn outside for recess (but not gym class, unless approved by the gym teacher).

Liturgy Days:

  • Students may wear khaki shorts to Mass; this does not include athletic shorts.  If students wish to change clothing after Mass for the remainder of the day, that is fine. 

Winter Weather Wear:

Guidelines Coming Soon


As the primary educators of their children, we ask parents to take responsibility for implementing and complying with the dress code guidelines. Please discuss the dress code with your children. If there are questions about particular clothing items, please check with the principal/rector BEFORE allowing your child to wear the item to school. Written communication or an email to a parent will be sent home if a student’s dress does not meet the St. Clare School Dress Code; parents may be requested to bring a change of clothes for the remainder of the school day.