Week of October 26-30

 Hello Parents,

We hope the students are able to enjoy the extra day in their weekend! Please note that there's lots to keep track of in the week ahead.  See below...

Language Arts
Spelling lists for the week ahead are usually posted on the Spelling City website by Friday in case you'd like to start practicing over the weekend.  Next week's words are already posted.

Social Studies
The test for grades 2 & 3 will be next week Friday (before the Halloween activities).  The 4th grade is working on their "region" projects.

Grades 2-4: Math books were sent home this weekend.  Please look over the pages as indicated and sign and return the yellow slip to school. Remember to send books back as well!

2nd Grade Only: You might notice that there aren't a lot of workbook pages completed since you last reviewed the books. This is because we have been doing a great deal of hands-on practice with individual clocks. I don't want to rush through this learning process. Telling time can be challenging at first, but they'll get the hang of it soon!⏰

October is the month of the Holy Rosary. Students in grades 2-4 will say a decade a day in their religion class. The students are welcome to bring a rosary to school for next week if they'd like. Please know that we have PLENTY of extra ones here to borrow for the week.  (You may not want to send a special or breakable one.)


Monday, October 26 - Friday, October 30 - Spirit Week

The middle schoolers decided to plan a school-wide "Spirit Week" for the week ahead!

Monday: PJ Day

Tuesday: Twin Day

Wednesday: Hawaiian Day

Thursday: Crazy Hair Day 

Friday:  Halloween Fun Day - Please see information that was sent home from both Home & School as well as the flyer from Mrs. Hubbard that came home in the most recent family folder. Please note: Students in grades 2-4 will have classes as usual in the morning with Halloween activities in the afternoon. Teachers will allow time for students to change into costumes.

There's More...

Sunday, October 25 - Book Orders Due
Class codes can be found on this website. 

Monday, October 26 - Feasting For Funds
The deadline for ordering 'Lil Rico's gift cards has been extended to Monday.      

Tuesday, October 27 - Picture Retake Day
Please let your child's teacher know if he/she will be having pictures taken on this day.


Friday, November 6 - End of 1st Quarter
First quarter report cards will be sent home after this date.

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt