Week of December 14-18

Hello Parents,

As we embark on this 3rd week of Advent, let us embrace the JOY of the season! Among so many other blessings, we are certainly JOYFUL when any of our students who are learning virtually are able to come back to school with us! 

Math - All Grades
All students will be taking their math books home with them this weekend.  Please be sure to look them over and sign and return the yellow slip.  The next time they will be sent home will be in mid-January and approximately once/month thereafter.

Religion - Grades 3 & 4
The students were incredibly reverent while they were in church for the sacrament of confession on Thursday. They were well prepared and SO EAGER for this beautiful encounter with the Lord!

Music - Virtual Christmas Concert - All Grades
As you may have noticed, your child/children have been practicing Christmas songs. This year St. Clare School will be having a virtual Christmas concert. Each of the classes in our 2-4 cohort, along with other classes in the school, will be singing songs to be recorded and shared with families. Our 2-4 cohort will also be doing a group song. Please encourage your student(s) to keep practicing as we will be recording on Friday, December 18.

Grades 2-4 Christmas Gift Exchange!
All students in grades 2-4 will be participating in a gift exchange on Tuesday, December 22.  Girls should bring a wrapped gift for a girl and boys should bring a wrapped gift for a boy.  Girl gifts will be put together as will boy gifts and teachers will facilitate a game in which each student will get a gift. Gifts should be approximately $10 in value.  Please send wrapped gifts to school by Friday, December 18.

Please watch your child's take-home folders for Mid-Quarter Reports which will be sent home on Friday, December 18.  Please sign and return the bottom of the form.

 Wednesday, December 16

Last day to purchase The River Coffee & Cream Gift Cards for December's Feasting for Funds / 20% of the sales will be donated back to St. Clare School! #supportlocalbusiness

 Join us for Christmas themed spirit days!!

  • Thursday, December 17 - "Odd" classes wear green. "Even" classes wear red.
  • Friday, December 18 - Virtual Christmas Concert - Wear Concert Attire 
  • Monday, December 21 - Wear Christmas Sweaters (Cute, Silly, Ugly, etc.) 
  • Tuesday, December 22 - Wear PJ's

Christmas Break - Important Dates

December 22 - Last day of class in December

December 23-January 3 - No School / Christmas Break

          January 4 - Classes Resume 

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt