Information for Virtual Learning (Sept.13-14)


Dear 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grade Parents,

As you know, grades 2-4 (and 5-6) will be staying home from school on Monday, September 13, and Tuesday, September 14.

Since this quarantine period consists of only 2 instructional days, students will need to refer to their grade-level virtual assignment sheet below which will be filled in by noon on Monday.

  • Grade 2 

  • Grade 3 

  • Grade 4 

Additionally, some instructional materials were sent home on Friday.  Given the late notice, we did our best to compile a small packet for each student.  (It is the stapled set of papers with a yellow slip attached.)

Thank you for your understanding and support~

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt