Week of September 28 - October 2

Hello Parents,

It's been another great week at school!  All of the students did really well with the fire drill on Wednesday.  We hope they enjoy the long weekend coming up! 

Science & Social Studies
The students started a new unit in social studies this week.  Be sure to ask your kids about the experiment they did about gravity! 

Language Arts
Students continue to work with Mrs. DeGroot to determine individual reading levels utilizing the Fountas & Pinnell leveled reading system.  

When you look over your child's math book, please remember to have your child place the book into his/her backpack right away so that he/she has it again for school on Monday. Thank you for your involvement!

The students are learning so much about our our Catholic faith.  They are learning that our journey, our walk with Christ as our Good Shepherd, greatly impacts our daily decisions.  They are doing really well in religion class!  

Also, Fr. Brian and our staff are working out how students might be able to receive Holy Communion.  We will keep you informed.

Finally, please help your child by reminding him/her to return the prayer chart to school on Monday. 

With the necessity for so many schools around the nation needing Chromebooks and other computers, we learned that the Chromebooks ordered for our students in grades 2-4 are backordered until January.  While that is unfortunate, we are in a similar situation that many other schools find themselves in as well. 

Recently, Lea sent home all of the login information for accessing PowerSchool in a family folder.  Students in grades 2-4 have several grades recorded on PowerSchool, so you are welcome to take a look at it if you get a chance.  


Weekend Mass Times
While you likely know when the weekend mass times are, some of our new First Communicants are very excited to receive Holy Communion again and were asking when mass times are.  For your reference they are as follows:

Saturday @ 4:00 in Askeaton
Saturday @ 5:30 in Wrightstown
Sunday @ 8:00 in Greenleaf
Sunday @ 10:00 in Wrightstown

MAP Testing
Map testing will begin next week.  As with any "school night," please be sure that your child is getting enough rest and a healthy breakfast throughout the week in order to ensure that he/she is as ready for as much learning as possible. 

Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders are due September 30.  Please place all orders online.


Picture Retake Day
Picture retake day will be on Tuesday, October 27.

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Week of September 21-24

 Hello Parents,

It was great to have a full week of school with the students.  They have been hard at work and are into a daily routine.  Our 2nd-4th grade cohort is going very well and we are pleased with how nicely the students have settled in.  

Science & Social Studies
The students did their first experiment in their "Flight" unit and really enjoyed it!

Language Arts
The students continue to work on their "All About Me" newspapers.  Additionally, students are working with Mrs. DeGroot to determine individual reading levels utilizing the Fountas & Pinnell leveled reading system.  

*Special Note About Spelling
The next spelling test will be on Thursday, September 24 as we do not have school on Friday.

Math books are being sent home again for viewing over the weekend.  A yellow note is going home in your child's take home folder for parents to sign.  Please sign and return to school.  Remember to have your child put his/her math book in their backpack so that they have it on Monday.

There was a last minute change and so the whole school ended up attending a virtual mass this past week. We anticipate that we will continue to watch a virtual mass until we hear otherwise.  It has actually been a wonderful teaching tool to be able to stop and discuss the parts of the mass.  In fact, in one of our discussions, an excellent question came up.  We sent our question to Fr. Brian and we received a wonderful answer back.  Fr. Brian recorded a YouTube message for the 4th grade students.  Check it out here!  https://youtu.be/33a3IQ_vBpw


First Communion
Congratulations to our 3rd graders who are receiving their First Holy Communion this weekend!!

Free Lunches
As Mrs. Hubbard noted, free lunches start on Monday, September 21. 

Little Caesars
Little Caesars orders are due on Thursday, September 24.  You can place your order online or send it to school.

There will be no school on Friday, September 25.  It is an in-service day for teachers and staff.

Reminder About Utensils
Just a friendly note to request that parents send forks and spoons as needed when sending lunches from home. Thank you for your understanding during these unusual times. 


Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders are due September 30.  Please place any orders online.

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Week of September 14-18

Hello Parents,

We are enjoying getting to know each of your children and their individual personalities!  They continue to do a great job social distancing and wearing their masks.  

Science & Social Studies
The students are continuing their unit on "Flight" and beginning to focus in on the four forces (lift, drag, thrust & gravity).  In Social Studies, grades 2 & 3 are beginning to prepare for their first test using the flashcards in their folders.  The test will be sometime next week.  The fourth graders presented their map drawings in class and did a great job!

Language Arts
The students are working on their "All About Me" newspapers.  Additionally, students are working with Mrs. DeGroot to determine individual reading levels utilizing the Fountas & Pinnell leveled reading system.  

Math books are being sent home for viewing over the weekend.  A yellow note is going home in your child's take home folder for parents.  Please sign and return the bottom portion.  

The students in all three grades are doing a fantastic job in religion class!  They are very engaged during class and love playing "Bible Baseball" at the end of each week! Next week, Thursday, September 17, the students will attend an all-school Mass.  Mrs. Hubbard mentioned in her family letter that the students should dress up a little more than usual for that day.  

Just A Few Notes
In an attempt to be as health conscience as we can, we have the students wash their hands in our classroom sinks throughout the day.  If anyone is willing to donate a foam soap, that would be greatly appreciated!

Reminder About Utensils
Just a friendly note to request that parents send forks and spoons as needed when sending lunches from home. Thank you for your understanding during these unusual times. 

As a reminder, Anne Stemper has arranged for a First Communion review and practice this Saturday, September 12 from 9:30-10:30 and repeated on Wednesday, September 16 from 6:00-7:00pm.  Both sessions will be held in Wrightstown.  First Communion weekend is next weekend, September 19-20.  Please feel free to email Anne at stclarefaith@stclareagw.org with any questions.

School Photos
Mark your calendars...school photos will taken be on Friday, September 18. 

Free Lunches
As Mrs. Hubbard noted, free lunches start on Monday, September 21. 

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Week of September 8-11

Hello Parents,

It feels SO great to be back in school!  We are "wonderfully exhausted" after this first week of school.  With teachers being the ones who are switching rooms, our Fitbits are telling us we're getting our steps in!

Science & Social Studies
The students have been having so much fun in science getting into our “Flight” Einstein kit and learning all about the differences between gliding and falling. Ask them about the crumpled paper experiment! In Social Studies we focused on Labor Day and why we truly celebrate it. It’s not just another day off, ask your child why!

All students in grades 2-4 have ignited their mental math skills with cumulative reviews of previously learned material.  Our new math books are, as one would say in a literacy class, "just right" books.  They are fantastic on so many levels and Mrs. Van Helvoirt is able to work with every student individually as needed.  Beginning next Friday, books will be sent home for viewing over the weekend.

A few housekeeping items...

Grading Scale
We have a new grading scale in our school.  The link is located on the left-hand side of this page (on a computer). 

Make Up Dates - 1st Communion (3rd Graders)
As a reminder, Anne Stemper has arranged for a First Communion review and practice on two upcoming dates, Saturday, September 12 from 9:30-10:30 and repeated on Wednesday, September 16 from 6:00-7:00pm.  Both sessions will be held in Wrightstown.  First Communion weekend is September 19-20.  Please feel free to email Anne at stclarefaith@stclareagw.org with any questions.

Handbook Signature Form
Please print, sign, and return the last page of the "Official 2020-2021 Handbook for Parents and Students."

Just a friendly note to request that parents send forks and spoons as needed when sending lunches from home. Thank you for your understanding during these unusual times. 

School Photos
Mark your calendars...school photos will taken be on Friday, September 18. 
Big Smiles Dental | offering in-school dental care

No School - Monday, September 7
We wish you all a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt