Week of November 2-6

Hello Parents,

We sure enjoyed "Spirit Week" and the creativity of all of our students!  Be sure to check out our photos on Homeroom!

EXCITING NEWS! We are SO excited to announce the addition of two new students within our 2-4 cohort!  Brothers, Grant and Mason will join us in 2nd and 4th grades respectively. Welcome, Grant & Mason!

The students have enjoyed learning about and saying a decade of the rosary each day.  They were always quite eager to recite the prayers of the Joyful Mystery Rosary together! They truly enjoyed it and requested that the link be shared with you. 


Friday, November 6 - End of 1st Quarter

First quarter report cards will be sent home after this date.


November 9-20 - Fox's Pizza Den
Fox's gift cards will be sold during these dates.  
November 26-27
No School / Thanksgiving Break

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Week of October 26-30

 Hello Parents,

We hope the students are able to enjoy the extra day in their weekend! Please note that there's lots to keep track of in the week ahead.  See below...

Language Arts
Spelling lists for the week ahead are usually posted on the Spelling City website by Friday in case you'd like to start practicing over the weekend.  Next week's words are already posted.

Social Studies
The test for grades 2 & 3 will be next week Friday (before the Halloween activities).  The 4th grade is working on their "region" projects.

Grades 2-4: Math books were sent home this weekend.  Please look over the pages as indicated and sign and return the yellow slip to school. Remember to send books back as well!

2nd Grade Only: You might notice that there aren't a lot of workbook pages completed since you last reviewed the books. This is because we have been doing a great deal of hands-on practice with individual clocks. I don't want to rush through this learning process. Telling time can be challenging at first, but they'll get the hang of it soon!⏰

October is the month of the Holy Rosary. Students in grades 2-4 will say a decade a day in their religion class. The students are welcome to bring a rosary to school for next week if they'd like. Please know that we have PLENTY of extra ones here to borrow for the week.  (You may not want to send a special or breakable one.)


Monday, October 26 - Friday, October 30 - Spirit Week

The middle schoolers decided to plan a school-wide "Spirit Week" for the week ahead!

Monday: PJ Day

Tuesday: Twin Day

Wednesday: Hawaiian Day

Thursday: Crazy Hair Day 

Friday:  Halloween Fun Day - Please see information that was sent home from both Home & School as well as the flyer from Mrs. Hubbard that came home in the most recent family folder. Please note: Students in grades 2-4 will have classes as usual in the morning with Halloween activities in the afternoon. Teachers will allow time for students to change into costumes.

There's More...

Sunday, October 25 - Book Orders Due
Class codes can be found on this website. 

Monday, October 26 - Feasting For Funds
The deadline for ordering 'Lil Rico's gift cards has been extended to Monday.      

Tuesday, October 27 - Picture Retake Day
Please let your child's teacher know if he/she will be having pictures taken on this day.


Friday, November 6 - End of 1st Quarter
First quarter report cards will be sent home after this date.

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Week of October 19-23

Hello Parents,

As a reminder, all parent-teacher conferences will take place virtually.  A zoom link will be emailed to you a day or two before your conference. If, due to technical difficulties or some other reason, we do not have enough time to finish our conference, we will set up an additional time to meet again.  Thank you for your understanding.  


In preparation for your child's upcoming conferences...

Language Arts
*Please note that the next spelling test will be on Thursday, October 22 since we do not have school on Friday.  

Grade 2 is working on telling time.  Here is a link to an online activity that the second graders did in class.  If they could do this once or twice over the weekend that would be beneficial. Thank you for helping them out at home!  Your teamwork is appreciated!  https://www.roomrecess.com/mobile/TimeTeller/play.html

Grade 3 will be finishing their first chapter soon. They will begin multiplication next. I have lots of multiplication "tricks" that I am anxious to share with the students. 😀

Grade 4 just finished their first chapter. They will be computing with numbers in the thousands. The numbers they will be working with will go up to one million.

Learning Prayers - The Diocese of Green Bay asks that Catholic school students memorize certain prayers and other church teachings.  Students in grades 2-4 were individually assessed during September and October.  A form indicating which prayers they know, which ones they could use a little more help with, and which ones they will be taught later this year will be sent home on Friday, October 16. 

Family Reference Guide - Along with your child's initial assessment will be a booklet for families to keep at your home throughout the remainder of your child's time at St. Clare School.  The words to the prayers are included in this booklet. Both the assessment form as well as the booklet are coming home in a large white envelope on Friday, October 16.  

Music & Art
Beginning the week of October 12, students in grades 2-4 have been receiving music and art instruction on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Mrs. Bartosch.  They are really enjoying these classes. 

The following is copied from Mrs. Hubbard's newsletter:

"In an effort to make a smooth transition to virtual education if we have to -- no, I am not anticipating it any time soon -- I need to hear from you IF your family will need a Chromebook and/or a hotspot. Please email me at jhubbard@stclareagw.org if a Chromebook and/or hotspot will be helpful for your family during a time of distance learning."

Any Questions? - Please feel free to ask us any questions that you might have during your conference or send an email if you'd like. We look forward to speaking with everyone! 


Parent/Teacher Conferences - October 20 & 22
See information above.

Friday, October 23 - No School
We hope the students enjoy the day off!


Sunday, October 25 - Book Orders Due
Class codes can be found on this website. 

Tuesday, October 27 - Picture Retake Day
Please let your child's teacher know if he/she will be having pictures taken on this day.

Friday, October 30 - Celebrating Halloween
Details to Follow...What we know so far is that Mrs. Hubbard is planning a surprise!

Friday, November 6 - End of 1st Quarter
First quarter report cards will be sent home after this date.

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Week of October 12-16

Hello Parents,

Please look over the newsletter carefully as there are a couple of changes that we wish to inform you about...

Grades 2-4: Math books will be sent home today, Friday, October 9.  Please look over the pages as indicated on the yellow slip, sign and return both the book and yellow slip to school. 

Grade 2 Only: The 2nd graders do not have many pages in the book completed between now and the last time the book was sent home.  This is because we spent time reviewing areas that I felt were areas to look over again.  We played review games and did other activities. They took a Chapter 1 test and are now moving onto a unit about telling time in math class. Telling time has traditionally been an area where parental involvement has proven to be be especially beneficial for students.  Your involvement can be quite simple...for each night this week:
  • practice identifying the hour hand & minute hand
  • practice identifying when it is ___ o'clock & half-past ___
  • practice counting by 5's to 60
While the students will be working hard at telling time in school, please know that any little bit of assistance you can offer at home will only "boost" your child's learning. We are looking forward to working together! To help with this, a miniature analog clock will be sent home for you to keep until we finish the unit on telling time.  We have enough for each 2nd grader to keep one at home and another one at school. 

CHANGE: Due to the "High Alert" level for Coronavirus that our area is under, in person monthly school masses are suspended until further notice. 


Little Caesars Pizza Pick Up - Friday, October 16
You can pick up your pizza orders on Friday, October 16 from 2:45-6:00 in the church basement. 


Parent/Teacher Conferences - October 20 & 22
CHANGE: There has been a change in the format of our Parent-Teacher Conferences.  All St. Clare School conferences will take place virtually.  Simply continue to sign up as usual and a zoom link will be emailed to you a day or two before your conference. If, due to technical difficulties or some other reason, we do not have enough time to finish our conference, we will set up an additional time to meet again.  Thank you for your understanding.  

Picture Retake Day - October 27
Picture retake day will be on Tuesday, October 27.  Please let your child's teacher know if he/she will be having pictures taken on this day.

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Week of October 5-9

 Hello Parents,

There is quite a bit of important information in this week's newsletter including MAP testing, mid-quarter grades and information about signing up for the upcoming parent-teacher conferences.

MAP Testing
This year's MAP testing consists of reading and math tests. The students finished both portions this week, with the exception of a few students who will finish up very soon.  

Update: With the first month of school now concluded, we will transition to sending math books home approximately every other week, unless Mrs. Van Helvoirt hears otherwise via written communication.  The next date that math books will be sent home will be Friday, October 9.

Fr. Brian will be presiding over a monthly mass in the church for students in grades 2-8.  The first one will be on Thursday, October 15.  The students will be socially distanced and the only individuals in the church building will be the students and staff.  On the weeks that we are not going into the church for Mass students will continue participating in the virtual masses (which they are doing a fantastic job at!).


St. Clare Apparel Orders - Due Sunday, October 4
If you would like to order St. Clare School apparel, simply go to www.IconMarketingInc.com and click on "Icon Marketplace Login" button in the upper right.  Enter access code: STCLARE2020.

Mid-Quarter Grades - Monday, October 5
It's hard to believe, but we are already half-way through the first quarter.  By Monday, all grades will be updated in PowerSchool and we encourage you to log in and look over your child's grades.  On Monday, we will also be sending home a handout letting you know your child's current grades in each subject.  (The grades on the handout will be the same as those on PowerSchool.) Please sign and return the parent signature portion of the slip.


Mass in Church - October 15
Grades 2-8 will attend Mass in church.  Cohorts will be socially distanced.

Parent/Teacher Conferences - October 20 & 22
Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, October 20 and Thursday, October 22.  This year, there is not a school-wide sign up.  Rather, each teacher or cohort will have their own sign ups.  Therefore, please read the sign up genius carefully and sign up utilizing this link:

Picture Retake Day - October 27
Picture retake day will be on Tuesday, October 27.  Please let your child's teacher know if he/she will be having pictures taken on this day.

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt