Week of December 21

Recently, one of our students offered the following during morning prayer intentions. "...that everyone will remember what the true meaning of Christmas is." Our students are certainly keeping Christ in Christmas. Our hearts are full! We wish all of our families a very Merry Christmas!!!

Mid-Quarter Reports
All students will be bringing home a handout of his/her current grades.  Please sign and return the bottom portion of the report.  For a detailed list of assignments and accompanying grades, please refer to PowerSchool. The grading scale is posted on this blog for your reference.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

The Virtual Christmas Concert Will Soon Be Posted!
Our students are recording their Christmas concert songs today (Friday).  All classroom performances will be combined into a virtual concert.  Keep an eye out for it!

Grades 2-4 Christmas Gift Exchange!
If you haven't had a chance to send in a wrapped gift, please do so on Monday since the exchange will be on Tuesday. Please have the gift tags say "To: A Boy; From: A Boy" or "To: A Girl; From: A Girl."  Gifts should be approximately $10 in value.

 Join us for Christmas themed spirit days!!

Monday, December 21 - Wear Christmas Sweaters (Cute, Silly, Ugly, etc.)
Tuesday, December 22 - Wear PJ's

Christmas Break - Important Dates

December 22 - Last day of class in December

December 23-January 3 - No School / Christmas Break

          January 4 - Classes Resume 

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Week of December 14-18

Hello Parents,

As we embark on this 3rd week of Advent, let us embrace the JOY of the season! Among so many other blessings, we are certainly JOYFUL when any of our students who are learning virtually are able to come back to school with us! 

Math - All Grades
All students will be taking their math books home with them this weekend.  Please be sure to look them over and sign and return the yellow slip.  The next time they will be sent home will be in mid-January and approximately once/month thereafter.

Religion - Grades 3 & 4
The students were incredibly reverent while they were in church for the sacrament of confession on Thursday. They were well prepared and SO EAGER for this beautiful encounter with the Lord!

Music - Virtual Christmas Concert - All Grades
As you may have noticed, your child/children have been practicing Christmas songs. This year St. Clare School will be having a virtual Christmas concert. Each of the classes in our 2-4 cohort, along with other classes in the school, will be singing songs to be recorded and shared with families. Our 2-4 cohort will also be doing a group song. Please encourage your student(s) to keep practicing as we will be recording on Friday, December 18.

Grades 2-4 Christmas Gift Exchange!
All students in grades 2-4 will be participating in a gift exchange on Tuesday, December 22.  Girls should bring a wrapped gift for a girl and boys should bring a wrapped gift for a boy.  Girl gifts will be put together as will boy gifts and teachers will facilitate a game in which each student will get a gift. Gifts should be approximately $10 in value.  Please send wrapped gifts to school by Friday, December 18.

Please watch your child's take-home folders for Mid-Quarter Reports which will be sent home on Friday, December 18.  Please sign and return the bottom of the form.

 Wednesday, December 16

Last day to purchase The River Coffee & Cream Gift Cards for December's Feasting for Funds / 20% of the sales will be donated back to St. Clare School! #supportlocalbusiness

 Join us for Christmas themed spirit days!!

  • Thursday, December 17 - "Odd" classes wear green. "Even" classes wear red.
  • Friday, December 18 - Virtual Christmas Concert - Wear Concert Attire 
  • Monday, December 21 - Wear Christmas Sweaters (Cute, Silly, Ugly, etc.) 
  • Tuesday, December 22 - Wear PJ's

Christmas Break - Important Dates

December 22 - Last day of class in December

December 23-January 3 - No School / Christmas Break

          January 4 - Classes Resume 

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Learning Plans for Week of Dec. 7-11

Dear Parents,

Below are a few important updates regarding next week:


If you have been informed that your child will not be in school next week, we ask that you stop by the school to pick up your child's materials.  Ideal times include:

  • Sunday between 12:00-1:00 PM
  • Monday between 7:30-8:00 AM

If these times do not work for your family, we completely understand.  Simply make arrangements with Lea or Julie at the office to coordinate another time.


Below is a schedule for students participating in virtual instruction.  Zoom links will be sent via email.  If these times are not convenient for your family, the Zoom classes will be recorded, uploaded on our YouTube channels, and links will be posted on the virtual assignment sheets (see below).  

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Grade 2


Mrs. Bartosch


Mrs. Van Helvoirt


Mrs. DeGroot

Grade 3


Mrs. Van Helvoirt


Mrs. DeGroot


Mrs. Bartosch

Grade 4


Mrs. DeGroot


Mrs. Bartosch


Mrs. Van Helvoirt


Mrs. DeGroot will be sharing virtual assignment sheets with all 2nd grade students. If students are absent in 3rd or 4th, the homeroom teacher will share the document with them as well.  Since these are Google based spreadsheets they will automatically update whenever a teacher makes additions/changes.  Several of our cohort families have been utilizing these this school year and so far it has been going well. (Sample screenshot below)


All 4th grade students have Chromebooks to take home if they ever need to learn  virtually.  We currently have 7 other Chromebooks available. If you need one for your 2nd or 3rd grade child (if he/she is staying home this week), please contact Lea or Julie and one will be ready for you to pick up when you pick up your child's materials. 

Important Update - December 3, 2020

Good Afternoon Parents of Students in Grades 2-4,

Please read the attached letter from Mrs. Hubbard. Tomorrow all students in grades 2-4 will again stay home. Today, teachers worked with Mrs. Hubbard to determine contact tracing as well as plans for going forward. Tomorrow, we will be working on detailed plans for next week. While we have challenges ahead of us with organizing substitute teachers, dual teaching (live and virtual), revising schedules and more, we assure you that we will do all that we can to provide the best education that we can. We ask for your patience as we work out details.

Tomorrow, we will provide a virtual schedule for 2nd grade which will take effect on Monday, December 7. For any other students who might also be at home next week teachers will send links to join classes virtually as needed. A virtual assignment sheet will also be provided.

Thank you for being the wonderful St. Clare families that you are! We truly appreciate your cooperation!

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Mrs. Hubbard's letter is as follows:

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your understanding and your help this morning!
After working with the Brown County Health Department and doing contact tracing, here is the plan.

  • Mrs. DeGroot AND the 2nd grade class will need to stay home until Monday, December 14th.
  • The 2nd grade students will participate in distance learning and will have 3 time slots to learn virtually with Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch, and Mrs. Van Helvoirt.
  • All lessons will be taped in case synchronous viewing is not possible.
  • Mrs. Bartosch will have to stay home until Monday, December 14th.
  • However, the 3rd grade class may return Monday,December 7th.
  • The 3rd grade students will have a sub for Mrs. Bartosch as well as Mrs. DeGroot.  When they rotate to Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. DeGroot's rooms, the substitute teachers will be present along with Mrs. Bartosch and Mrs. DeGroot via a live stream.  Together, Mrs. Bartosch and Mrs. DeGroot, along with the substitute teachers, will instruct the class.   
  • They will rotate to Mrs. Van Helvoirt's room as usual.
  • Mrs. Van Helvoirt AND the 4th grade class may return Monday, December 7th.
  • The 4th grade students will have Mrs. Van Helvoirt for their usual classes.  
  • When they rotate to Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. DeGroot's rooms, a substitute teacher will be present along with Mrs. Bartosch and Mrs. DeGroot via a live stream.  Together, Mrs. Bartosch, Mrs. DeGroot, along with the substitute teachers, will instruct the class.
While the students are gone, the rooms will be deep-cleaned and then sit empty for 24 hours.

Please don't hesitate to contact Mrs. Hubbard with questions.
(jhubbard@gmail.com is the best way to reach me.)