January 18-22


2nd Semester Updates for grades 2-4
  • January 25 marks the start of the 3rd quarter.
  • We will be going to MASS on Thursdays at 8:05. The public is welcome, but are asked sit in the back quarter of the church.
  • Students will have MUSIC CLASS with Mr. Wallace in the church basement once a week.
  • Students will have ART CLASS with Mrs. Diny in the art room twice a week.
  • Students will have P.E. with Mr. Van Grinsven in the church basement (or outside when the temperature warms up) twice a week.
  • 2nd Grade - The 2nd graders recently learned how to add 2-digit numbers with regrouping.  They used manipulatives to visualize this concept and they are in the process of transitioning to pencil and paper.
  • 3rd Grade - Starting next week, the 3rd grade will add the x6 facts to their repertoire of multiplication facts. (They will also continue the unit on telling time.) Most days, the 3rd graders use their flashcards to review two sets of facts or we play one of our multiplication games before we start new material which means that they are getting quite good at knowing their multiplication facts! Thank you so much if you've sent in a set of 169 multiplication flashcards.  It is so helpful to have the facts divided into sets for quick and easy accessibility for your child's use. For your reference, please note that there will be a "Multiplication Facts Check In" report in your child's report card envelope.
  • 4th Grade - The 4th graders learned how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number.  They already learned the different methods of multiplication and are now settling into utilizing the standard method as they advance further into the chapter. 
With it being the end of the 2nd quarter, all students were again assessed on their grade level prayers. The assessment sheet will be included in your child's report card envelope.  They are doing a FANTASTIC job!  A big shout out to the 2nd graders for learning their Act of Contrition in preparation for their First Reconciliation which will take place in about 3 weeks.

Social Studies
  • Grades 2 & 3 will have a test on Wednesday, February 3. Study guides and flashcards will be sent home daily.
  • Grade 4 will be starting their Wisconsin unit.  This is a comprehensive unit that they will be studying for an extended period of time. 


Friday, January 29 - Report Cards will be sent home

Sunday, January 31 - Friday, February 5
Planning is underway...Here are the dress up days:
    Mon., Feb. 1 - Hat Day
    Tues., Feb. 2 - Beach Day
    Wed., Feb. 3 - Dress up for Mass Day
    Thurs., Feb. 4 - Favorite Sports Team Day
    Fri., Feb. 5 - St. Clare Apparel Day

Saturday, February 13 - 2nd Grade Families
First Reconciliation Retreat (See Mrs. Ann Stemper's letter for details)

Thursday, February 18 - 2nd Grade Families
Sacrament of First Reconciliation (See Mrs. Ann Stemper's letter for details)

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt