Week of January 31 - February 5


Report Cards
  • All students will be bringing home their 2nd quarter report cards today.  If you are new to our school, we ask that you sign and return the envelope. 
  • 3rd Grade - Please note that there will be a "Multiplication Facts Check In" report in your child's report card envelope.
  • Grades 2-4 - All students will have a form inside their report card envelope indicating your child's progress as it pertains to learning required prayers.
Social Studies
  • Grades 2 & 3 will have a test on Wednesday, February 3. Study guides and flashcards will be sent home daily.
School Supplies
Thank you for supplying hand soap in the past!  In order to continue to follow health protocols, we are in need of the following in grades 2-4:
  • Paper Towels
  • Disinfecting Wipes
  • Paper Plates (We eat in the classrooms and sometimes need these.)

Music Class
A Message From Mrs. Hubbard & Mr. Wallace About Music Class:

Mr. Wallace is settling into his new Music and Language Exploration class schedules this week.  He has enjoyed meeting all of the children!

He said the number one question was, "Do we get to play recorders?" 😀

Next week, he will schedule lessons for all of the middle school students who want to play a band instrument.

Mrs. Hubbard is doubtful that she will be able to fit piano lessons into Mr. Wallace's school day.

If you would like to consider before  / after school piano lessons, please email Mrs. Hubbard at jhubbard@stclareagw.org.

It's BOOK FAIR Time!!
1. A Message from the Book Fair Committee - Shopping for Books
Our Book Fair is going online this year—with a Virtual Fair! It's an interactive, engaging, and fun shopping experience for the whole family!  Please watch this short video to learn more about the new features and benefits of our school's Virtual Book Fair.

All purchases will benefit our school directly (25% back in rewards!)  

2. E-wallet Links - For Making Donations Toward Your Child's Classroom Library:

2nd Grade Classroom Library Wish List Donation Link 

3rd Grade Classroom Library Wish List Donation Link

4th Grade Classroom Library Wish List Donation Link

3. Classroom Reading Challenge
All students will participate in a classroom reading challenge beginning Monday, February 1 and ending on Thursday, February 11.  A form will be sent home on Monday and should be filled out each school night until the completion of the challenge.  Have a small class? No worries! According to the Book Fair Committee, "the class with the highest minutes per student average" will be the winner. 

Catholic Schools Week is Upon Us!

Sunday, January 31
  1.     Family Scavenger Hunt - (See information sent home from the office)
  2.     Virtual Book Fair Begins (See above)
Monday, February 1
  1.     Hat Day
  2.     Penny War starts today. (Bring change of ANY kind!)
  3.     Students will play a trivia game in the classroom
  4.     Fill out "Reading Incentive Challenge" log from the Book Fair Committee
Tuesday, February 2
  1.     Beach Day
  2.     Bingo Day (See information sent home from the office) 
  3.     Fill out "Reading Incentive Challenge" log from the Book Fair Committee
Wednesday, February 3
  1.     Dress up for virtual Mass with Bishop Ricken
  2.     Zoom Session with Church Leaders
  3.     Surprise Lunch for Students (shhh!)
  4.     Fill out "Reading Incentive Challenge" log from the Book Fair Committee
Thursday, February 4
  1.     Grades 2-4 will go to Mass
  2.     Wear sports team apparel (Perhaps consider wearing a nice shirt over the top for Mass...or change into a sports shirt after Mass.)
  3.     Fill out "Reading Incentive Challenge" log from the Book Fair Committee 
Friday, February 5
  1.     No busing today (See information sent home from the office)
  2.     Wear St. Clare apparel (or green or blue)
  3.     Field Trip Day (Grades 2-4 will see Dolittle at the movie theatre in Darboy)
  4.     Be sure your child knows which drink he/she is signed up for.


February 9 - 18 - Feasting For Funds
We are selling $20 gift cards for Van Abel's.  Yum!!

Saturday, February 13 - 2nd Grade Families
First Reconciliation Retreat (See Mrs. Ann Stemper's letter for details)
This is also the last day for the Virtual Book Fair.

Thursday, February 18 - 2nd Grade Families

Sacrament of First Reconciliation (See Mrs. Ann Stemper's letter for details)

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt