February 15-19

Love One Another as I have Loved You
John 12:15

Thank You!
Thank you for sending cleaning supplies to help keep our environment as sanitary and healthy as possible!

Water Bottles
Just a few notes about water bottles...
  • Just a reminder that all students should be bringing a personal water bottle to school daily. (Due to Covid, students are not allowed to use the drinking fountains except to fill their water bottles.)
  • If possible, please fill water bottles at home at the start of the day in order to avoid congestion at the filling stations especially during this health crisis.
  • If your child is currently using a smaller size water bottle, please consider sending a full size one to school.  
  • It is preferred that students bring a water bottle that they do not need to unscrew the top off of. This helps prevent spills.
Thanks for your help and understanding!

2nd Grade - First Reconciliation
The 2nd graders will be attending their First Reconciliation retreat this weekend and they will be receiving the sacrament either on Saturday, February 13 or Thursday, February 18.  All communications regrading these dates have come from the parish office.  Please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Anne Stemper with any questions you might have. 

Social Studies
  • Grade 4 has a test coming up on Wednesday, February 17.

  • Grade 2 just finished their chapter on regrouping in addition and will move on to a chapter on geometry and fractions. 
  • Grade 3 added the 11 and 9 times tables to their learned facts over the last few weeks.  Cute story...Mrs. Kola didn't know that the kids were learning these facts and thought she'd stump a group of students before school one day so she asked them what 9x12 was and, to her surprise, they shouted out, "108."  She was amazed!  They're doing so well!  Next week they will add the 7 times table and they are finishing up the unit on telling time as well.
  • Grade 4 started a unit on time and measurement. They will also begin their division unit soon.

Book Fair Ends Saturday, February 13
1. A Message from the Book Fair Committee - Shopping for Books
Our Book Fair is going online this year—with a Virtual Fair! It's an interactive, engaging, and fun shopping experience for the whole family!  Please watch this short video to learn more about the new features and benefits of our school's Virtual Book Fair.

All purchases will benefit our school directly (25% back in rewards!)  

2. E-wallet Links - For Making Donations Toward Your Child's Classroom Library:

2nd Grade Classroom Library Wish List Donation Link 

3rd Grade Classroom Library Wish List Donation Link

4th Grade Classroom Library Wish List Donation Link


Tuesday, February 16 or Thursday, February 18 - Optional In-Person Parent-Teacher Conferences
Teachers will email any parents they wish to the following link:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040D4FAAAA28A57-parentteacher2

February 17 - Ash Wednesday
Students will attend a prayer service in the morning.

February 18 - Last Day to Support Feasting For Funds
We are selling $20 gift cards for Van Abel's.  Yum!!

February 19 - No School
Enjoy the long weekend!

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt