February 8-12

Catholic Schools Week 2021 was a huge hit!  Despite the many challenges of this particular school year, all of this year's Catholic Schools Week events (from the family scavenger hunt to beach Bingo and beyond!) were truly enjoyed by the students just as much as any other year!  Thank you for all that you do to support Catholic schools!

Our spelling website, spellingcity.com, has made changes to their website.  Unfortunately, word lists and games are no longer available. Mrs. DeGroot is looking into other possibilities at this time. 

School Supplies
We are still in need of the following in grades 2-4:
  • Paper Towels
  • Disinfecting Wipes

It's STILL Book Fair Time!!
1. A Message from the Book Fair Committee - Shopping for Books
Our Book Fair is going online this year—with a Virtual Fair! It's an interactive, engaging, and fun shopping experience for the whole family!  Please watch this short video to learn more about the new features and benefits of our school's Virtual Book Fair.

All purchases will benefit our school directly (25% back in rewards!)  

2. E-wallet Links - For Making Donations Toward Your Child's Classroom Library:

2nd Grade Classroom Library Wish List Donation Link 

3rd Grade Classroom Library Wish List Donation Link

4th Grade Classroom Library Wish List Donation Link

3. Classroom Reading Challenge is Still Happening!
All students will participate in a classroom reading challenge beginning Monday, February 1 and ending on Thursday, February 11.  A form will be sent home on Monday and should be filled out each school night until the completion of the challenge.  Have a small class? No worries! According to the Book Fair Committee, "the class with the highest minutes per student average" will be the winner. 


February 12 - Valentine's Day Party
Students in grades 2-4 will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12.  All students are invited to bring valentine's for their classmates.  For your convenience, the class lists have been updated on this website.

February 9 - 18 - Feasting For Funds
We are selling $20 gift cards for Van Abel's.  Yum!!

Saturday, February 13 - 2nd Grade Families
First Reconciliation Retreat (See Mrs. Ann Stemper's letter for details)
This is also the last day for the Virtual Book Fair.

Saturday, February 13 or Thursday, February 18 - 2nd Grade Families

Sacrament of First Reconciliation (See Mrs. Ann Stemper's letter and recent email for details)

Tuesday, February 16 or Thursday, February 18 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
Teachers will email any parents that they wish to meet with.  If a parent wishes to meet with a teacher, simply sign up using the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040D4FAAAA28A57-parentteacher2

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt