Week of September 27-October 1


Reminder About Sunday, September 26!
Please pick up any Take & Bake King Pin pizza orders on Sunday.  See information on the flyer.

Music - 3rd & 4th Grades
We've been told that the 3rd & 4th graders will begin using recorders this coming week.  If your child has a recorder at home, please have your child keep it in his/her backpack daily so that if it is needed at school OR home, it is with your child.  Mr. Wallace said that if your child does not yet have a recorder, he will work something out with the student so that they can borrow one.  He also said that he will be sending an email so be sure to watch for that. 

Mass - 4th Grade
The 4th grade students will lead the congregation in the celebration of the Mass on Thursday, September 30.  Mass parts were sent home on Thursday, September 23.  Please help your child practice over the next week.  Your child's copy does not need to be returned to school as I will have another copy of it.


Tuesday, September 28
Grades 3 & 4 will walk to the library.

Thursday, September 30
4th Grade leads Mass (Parents are welcome to sit in the back half of church.)

Monday, October 11
Picture Day 

Wednesday, October 13
Schoolwide Rosary at 9am

Tuesday, October 19 & Thursday, October 21
Parent-Teacher Conferences (Watch for a Sign Up Genius)

Friday, October 22
No School

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

September 20-24


  • 2nd grade will walk to the library on Tuesday, September 21.
  • 3rd & 4th grades will go on Tuesday September 28.
Typically, this pattern of going to the library every other Tuesday will continue in our cohort. 

Thursday, September 23
  • Book orders due.  Please place any book orders online.  Teacher codes are found on this blog. (See tabs at top.)
  • Pizza order forms are due on this day as well!
Friday, September 24
No School / Teacher Inservice

SUNDAY, September 26
Pick up date for Take 'n Bake Pizza Fundraiser 

Thursday, September 30
4th Grade leads Mass (Parents are welcome to sit in the back half of church.)

Monday, October 11
Picture Day (Watch for more information coming.)

Tuesday, October 19 & Thursday, October 21
Parent-Teacher Conferences (Watch for a Sign Up Genius)

Friday, October 22
No School

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Information for Virtual Learning (Sept.13-14)


Dear 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grade Parents,

As you know, grades 2-4 (and 5-6) will be staying home from school on Monday, September 13, and Tuesday, September 14.

Since this quarantine period consists of only 2 instructional days, students will need to refer to their grade-level virtual assignment sheet below which will be filled in by noon on Monday.

  • Grade 2


  • Grade 3


  • Grade 4 


Additionally, some instructional materials were sent home on Friday.  Given the late notice, we did our best to compile a small packet for each student.  (It is the stapled set of papers with a yellow slip attached.)

Thank you for your understanding and support~

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Week of September 13-17


All grades - Parents, if you see this stamp (pictured below) on your child's paper, your child should make the necessary corrections on his/her paper and return it to school.  Sometimes, a student will have errors, but I will not stamp the paper.  It will depend on the nature of the error, the grade level standards, and if it would be most beneficial to correct the mistake(s).
3rd & 4th Grades - The school has recently purchased multiplication flashcards for in-school use.  However, if you wish to purchase a quality set for use at home, I would recommend the following:  Multiplication Flashcards from Amazon  (These are $12.)

Library Cards & Masks (Reminder)
We will soon be walking to the library so if your child does not have a library card at school please send one. (They will be returned at the end of the year.)  When we walk to the library, masks will be required.  We suggest keeping one in a baggie in your child's backpack.

Gym Shoes(Reminder)
Students are required to wear tennis shoes/sneakers for gym class.  If the shoes that your child wears to school that day are already tennis shoes, they do not need to change.  If, however, your child wears other shoes to school on a gym day, please send a separate pair for gym class.


September 6
No School - Labor Day

September 11
September 11's server training will be in Greenleaf from 9:00-10:00 AM. Contact Theresa Reynders for more information at treynders@stclareagw.org.

September 13-17
Homecoming Week! Optional dress up days:

Mon. Sept. 13 - 50’s

Tues., Sept. 14 - 70’s

Wed., Sept. 15 - 80’s

Thurs., Sept. 16 - 90’s

Fri., Sept 17 - GAME DAY!

Wear Wrightstown Apparel (or blue & white)

September 23
Book orders due.  Please place any book orders online.  Teacher codes are found on this blog. (See tabs at top.)

September 26
Pick up date for Take 'n Bake Pizza Fundraiser (See flyer in latest Tuesday Family Folder.)

September 30
4th Grade leads Mass (Parents welcome to sit in the back half of church.)

Monday, October 11
Picture Day (Watch for more information coming.)

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt

Week of September 7-10


Library Cards & Masks
While we do not know yet if we will be walking to the library, let's begin preparing and hoping for the best.  If you have a library card at home for your child, please send it to school.  (They will be returned at the end of the year.)  If/when we are able to walk to the library, masks will be required.  We suggest keeping one in a baggie in your child's backpack.

Gym Shoes
Students are required to wear tennis shoes/sneakers for gym class.  If the shoes that your child wears to school that day are already tennis shoes, they do not need to change.  If, however, your child wears other shoes to school on a gym day, please send a separate pair for gym class.

Grades 3 & 4 - Notebook for Music Class
Mr. Wallace would like the 3rd & 4th graders to bring a wide ruled notebook to school for music class.  Please send one to school when you get a chance.


September 6
No School - Labor Day

September 8 & September 11
If your child in grades 4 or up is interested in learning to be a server at weekend and school Masses, please contact Theresa Reynders at treynders@stclareagw.org.  There will be server training on two dates and those interested are asked to attend one. September 8's training will be in Wrightstown from 3:30-4:30.  September 11's training will be in Greenleaf from 9:00-10:00 AM.

September 13-17
Homecoming Week (Optional dress up days. Watch for details.)

Thursday, September 23
Book orders due.  Please place any book orders online.  Teacher codes are found on this blog. (See tabs at top.)

September 26
Pick up date for Take 'n Bake Pizza Fundraiser (Watch for more information in the Family Folder)

September 30
4th Grade leads Mass (Parents welcome to sit in the back half of church.)

Monday, October 11
Picture Day (Watch for more information coming.)

Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Bartosch & Mrs. Van Helvoirt